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Weekly Wall Street Sun and Storm Report™

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NOTE: Sorry, but subscription to the free newsletter is now closed. I may reopen it at a later date, so keep following the weekly "Market Timing Brief" posts on the "Market Timing Blog" for updates (see blue navigation bar to left near top).

One report that I feel is VERY IMPORTANT for you to have is: Sun And Storm Investing™ Tip#33 (when you get onto the "Tips/WSSSR™ Access" page scroll down a bit to get to this tip!) in the form of a Bonus PDF Report:

"Stocks, the Dollar, and Gold!  Oh My!"

A Study of How the Directions of the US Dollar Index and Gold Correlate with Stock Market Returns Over Long Time Periods

Access the PDF Report by getting the FREE password as a free subscriber. Just enter your name and email address above (which will be kept private) and hit SUBMIT and the password will be sent to you.

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IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Note that the comments made on the website, including the additional page only for subscribers, are not meant to be comprehensive or necessarily continuous, so please be sure make your investing and/or trading decisions yourself. I will not necessarily make any intraday comments at times or even for several days in a row due to scheduling issues. The newsletter is not a day trading vehicle, but can be critical to day traders and investors who need to follow the directions of the critical indices we follow. These market comments are meant to give you a sense of how to follow the market and are for educational purposes only. Subscribing to my newsletter service and/or reading any information on this website indicates your agreement with this statement and our disclaimer page (please click on link labeled Disclaimer below to read it before subscribing). Basically, we simply want you to understand that you are taking 100% responsibility for your results.

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